The coder's book, CommitStrip
That's it! Cartoon online CommitStrip released in a book 120 of it bests boards. The crowdfunding launched in September 19, 2013 has seen its objective explode in a few days. 648% of the 3000€s initially requested were collected. This allowed people who had booked a book to receive, in addition to the eternal gratitude of the team, a lot of pretty cool stickers and an invitation to the launch party.
So I received my package on December 21, open and appreciated in stride. The comic is very beautiful and very good quality. The cover include Javascript lines which seams to be extracted from a jQuery plugin or jQuery itself, a small error noted, the quotes in the french version of the book are replaced by the « and » symbols. Each character in the cover is varnish adding a slight relief to the touch and shiny when the book is turned. Back cover we find a brief summary of what CommitStrip is, embellished with some private jokes that only a person initiated understand.
```cs /// Si vous ne comprennez pas cette blague, veuillez demander des explications a un amis programmeur namespace CommitStrip.Book.Cover { class Back { public String Summary {get; set;} public List<Programmer.Joke> Jokes {get;set;} /* ... */
<p>In terms of content, we find the best boards published on the site and some new exclusive boards. For my part, I found some printing misses on some pages, mostly black marks such slight friction pads, nothing too bad because it does not stop reading the book.</p>
<p><img class="alignNormal" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="/img/posts/IMG-20140103-141548.web.jpg" alt="IMG_20140103_141548.jpg" width="277" height="242" /></p>
<p>You can find this book with the ISBN 978-2-9547062-0-7 following number. For my part I have not found a store that currently sells, as it's all rather new, this book should appear in your bookstores shortly. You will find all information about the book on the CommitStrip site: <a href="http://www.commitstrip.com" target="_blank">www.commitstrip.com</a></p>
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