Halloween, costumes from the internet
So, You're late for your haloween costume and/or missing creativity? I found you a few youtube vidéos that'll save your halloween party without having to find any costume.
To begin with, let's start with a good old "home alone" makeup, quite simple of realisation and with a great result. The tutorial is done by Shonagh Scott :
We all remember the creepy doll Chucky, you can make your own using the tutorial of Cindysold.
Then give yourself a big nice glasgow smile by dannylynnforever, it's look realy nice and tht's my favorite.
Or you can just staple your lips to get this amazing smile. Tu tutorial is made by goldiestarling.
To finish with the hard to perform but beautifull one by extremesfx for the best vampire ever.
If you have other ideas of costume and makeup or you want to show the one you made on your own, put it in the comments below.